The concept behind Blockhead Radio has always been "Artisan for Artisan". In fact, our humble beginnings were launched with a show of that name. Here at Blockhead Radio we constantly strive to build a community that will benefit all the independent artisans out there.Blockhead Radio seeks to help the independent artisans in many aspects. Whether it be marketing strategies that an artisan can employ, a venue to get some feedback, or a support system when life seems to go a bit awry. http://bhrcharitybox.blogspot.com/ We often have situations brought to our attention where an artisan and/or their family have been affected by some obstacle. Our hearts and warm wishes are the first things that are extended, but often we find ourselves wanting to provide more to help alleviate their heavy hearts.Thus, the concept of the Blockhead Radio Charity Sampler Box was born: from many touching stories of artisans where our warm wishes and prayers somehow did not seem like enough.All net proceeds from the sales of the BHR Charity Sampler Box will be used in two ways.1) To give support to the many teams and groups who are putting time and effort into garnering awareness for charities. Every month, half of the net proceeds made from the sale of the BHR Charity Sampler Box will be donated to a chosen team or group's charity. A committee of 5 people will make this decision.2) To raise proceeds to establish a charity whose sole purpose will be geared towards providing support and/or relief to artisans in need. Half of the net proceeds made from the sale of the BHR Charity Sampler Box will be used to help establish this charity. A committee of 5 people will make this decision as well. No part of BHR management will be involved in this decision.With the advent of the BHR Charity Sampler Box we are accomplishing two driving ideals behind Blockhead Radio: giving back through charity and exposing independent artisans to the world. Let's show the world that the independent artisan community has just as much heart and clout as those big corporations. We know we have more heart and generally it is handmade which means it is all the more invaluable! Visit BHR for more! or http://blockheadradiolive.com/purchase
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