More Happy Endings. Georgie enjoying sun at Gallastar Texas or Bust!This past Thursday, the four young male pigs made their way to Texas. What a relief that they are safe and sound. A big Virginia Thanks Y-all goes out to Terry DeGraw at www.serenitysprings.org and Karan Graham of www.hillcrestanimalrescue.org for offering to take these four boys. I had to laugh and laugh at what Terry wrote in her e-mail after their arrival. She asked which of the four was supposed to be strange looking one. All of them were very odd looking to her. And yes they are. Odd looking and precious beyond measure. Their lives were created for singular purpose of slaughter and every minute of their short lives had been a living hell. It is hard to fathom all that had to align in this big world of ours to get them to such a wonderful life so many miles away. We are humbled and so grateful for all of you who helped to make it work. A special thank to those that helped to make the transportation possible.
Special Goats for a Special LadyThis week Ron once again made the trek into Maryland with five very special goats. Betty Acks was one of the first people to write and offer sanctuary to the goats. She is a wildlife rehabilitator and she and her husband had taken in animals from the Vernon Auction and done such a wonderful job with bringing them back to health. I felt that I knew her heart and was not surprised when she wrote and asked for the four goats that no one else would want due to their being so afraid of people. She asked to have Cinnamon, Toast, Rhea, and little Celeste with the soremouth. When we went to load them up, another goat would not be denied her friends and of course Betty said to bring Udora along too. It appears that Cinnamon and Rhea may be going to have little ones and of course Betty is delighted. Yet another special new friend has come into our lives. Like all the other placements, these fine ladies stepped up and offered their help when they heard of the plight of these animals. There were no strings attached – just send them on they said. And we gratefully did.

Georgie Meets His MatchCheck out little Georgie. He was the first animal that we saw when we approached the seizure site. He was shivering uncontrollably. Into the warmth of a truck he went and since that time, this youngster has decided that he rules the world. Now that his quarantine and neuter are behind him, he is being introduced to some other pigs so that he can learn that he is not actually the king of the universe. This is essential to the socialization process if a pig is to become a companion for human or fellow pig. No doubt he and Curious George were obviously once loved companions who were given away due to their acting like what they were – the most amorous of all creatures - boar pigs. This little guy is learning fast and it is nice to see our older fellas like Whitt here trying to keep the lessons as gentle as possible. Georgie will challenge and you can see Whitt trying to tell him that this may not be as much fun as Georgie seems to think it will be. Then Whitt will dole out no more than necessary for Georgie to learn the lesson that all younger pigs need to learn as to who rules the roost in the world of pigs. Whitt was himself the victim of great abuse, as the lack of his ears and tail bear witness to. Perhaps that is why he and the others are as gentle with the newcomers as they are. We have now moved all of the remaining animals here to Gallastar. There are five young farm pigs, two potbellies, and 8 precious goats. I wish I could somehow share with each of you the joy that these rescued animals are bringing to us. As we spend time with them each day, their unique personalities and special talents become apparent. Little Miss Priss sounds exactly like a dove when she calls to us or her friends. Magpie, the smallest of the three baby farm pigs, loves to grab my jacket and get me to play with her. Specks and Vicky are learning to trust people and settle down. One of the goats is going to have a baby soon and we are all abuzz with anticipation about that. As these precious lives make their way into their new homes, we will miss them but realize how blessed we are to have gotten to share this brief time with them. It is indeed a special time for us to be able to witness them enjoying their lives.

Baby Phoenix UpdateLast night we had the extreme pleasure of getting to see baby Phoenix and the other three sheep from the rescue at the beautiful Northern Virginia farm Gaited Manor at Park Gate, owned by Renee and Curtis Stillwell. He has grown at an exceptional rate and embarking on all of those adorable baby things that include jumping up from what he thinks are great heights and running like the wind. The rescued sheep are flourishing as do all the animals lucky enough to live with Renee and Curtis. We also got to visit with one of the nine little Vernon auction pigs who lives there as well. He came runni

Wings of MercyThis is a belated birthday gift that I received last night and it touched me deeply. This angel pig will always remind me of those from this rescue and others that help came to late for. But they are forever at rest now and beyond the reach of those who would wish them harm. In their memory, we must try all the harder to make life wonderful for those who did get out and do whatever we can to see to it that these terrible things do not happen again. Part of what we do here at Gallastar is to use the stories of the rescued animals that live side by side with us to teach compassion and the power of kindness to all living creatures. Perhaps one or two of these animals may remain with us to bear testament to this particular rescue and the message of hope and the power of what can happen when good people work together to do the right thing. With all the troubles that surround us these days, it is easy to look past these souls without voice - these that truly were the least of us. But to know them and to meet them would touch even the most jaded of hearts. None were more wounded and none more deserving of saving than these. Thanks to all of you for making that possible.
Gallastar Equine Center • 722 Greenfield Mountain Farms • Afton • VA • 22920 visit us at: http://www.gallastar.org/ Here is a extra a extra chance to win (in order to get this extra chance you will need to put in the comment for the b-day bash were you saw it and when.
Gallastar Equine Center • 722 Greenfield Mountain Farms • Afton • VA • 22920 visit us at: http://www.gallastar.org/ Here is a extra a extra chance to win (in order to get this extra chance you will need to put in the comment for the b-day bash were you saw it and when.
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