First is Isaiah. Isaiah was purchased from an auction for a pot belly pig. The man who surrendered him said he made a mistake in buying him. Isaish is only part pot belly and part Duroc Farm pig. If you have not visited Noahs Ark Pot Bellied Pig Rescue in Port Richey Florida, I am here to tell you the Isaiah is an awesome pig it is so awesome to go there witha couple big bags of apples or bannanas and walk around hand feeding all the kids there and pet them and love on them. Isaiah is one of the few kids you have to walk around and look for to give him a treat. he is very laid back kids and very gentle.
Leila had been running loose for quite some time before I was contacted to please rescue her. Some people had been feeding her and trying to keep her safe but did not have good fencing and she would just come and go. One day she was attacked by something. You could see teeth marks all over her and big holes in her skin........she was so infected from all the bites. The people called me and begged me to take her before she got killed. They had found the original owners and contacted them but they did not want her back. The people who tried to save her were told to shoot and eat her. I have to say Leila is quite the pretty one, so pretty and all her wounds are healed now.
Sweet Wilbur came to me about 10 years ago and was obese. Had been fed just about everything. He lost alot of weight and could finally walk. He really is practicing to be a Shar Pei.........see his wrinkles. He is 16 this year and is doing exceptionally well. to see more wonderful animals or get directions to Noahs ARk please visit: http://www.noahsarkpbprescue.org/
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